Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

       Happy New Year                              2018 !!! 

 So here we are again, beginning anew for yet one more time.  There is a part of me, a part that eagerly shows  up first and presents itself to say..

"We have been here before...do we really want to start all over again!!" And a resounding response is "Hell No!!"

Then if I am still.. if I am quiet enough, if I am trusting enough, fed-up enough with business as usual, if I am awake enough to stay...just stay and breathe.....then I open myself up to a New Day, a new beginning, a new life!!!!
                                                                                      Blessings for 2018!!  This is my year of new beginnings.... every day, hour, minute, moment....................won't you join me!!

Yoga On The Rock Jan-Mar. 2018 Courses/Classes
