Hello yogis and yoginis,
Yoga On The Rock has a number of new courses commencing for September 2017 at The Yoga Centre. Have a scroll through, there might just be something here for you.Chair Yoga - A 6-Week Therapeutic Yoga Course - Fridays commencing Sept. 8th 12 noon-1pm
This 6-Week yoga course is designed for those wishing a gentle approach to yoga for therapeutic reasons. This class is ideal as: a thorough relaxation and stress release session; for those challenged with yoga on the mat; as a guide to workplace yoga.
Taught by internationally certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), senior yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance (E-RYT - 500) and meditation and yoga teacher/trainer and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Community Education Program) facilitator.
Cost: $165
Pre-Natal Yoga for a Peaceful Pregnancy and Easeful Delivery - Saturdays commencing Sept. 9th, 1:15pm-2:45pm
This 8 Week pre-natal yoga course is designed to help mothers-to-be remain healthy and active throughout the pre-natal period with minimal stress and anxiety. This course is a mindfulness yoga class for moms so that they focus on themselves and "just being" while enjoying some quiet time with baby.
Taught by a senior experienced certified pre-natal yoga teacher with the assistance of an ante-natal nurse/yoga teacher.
Cost: $180
Hips, Pelvis, Legs and Feet - An 8-Week Yoga Therapy Group Class Wednesdays - commencing September 13th, 5:30pm-7pm.
This course involves an individual assessment of each student and 8 weeks of group class work which focuses on pain relief, structural realignment, core integration and intricate yoga breathing to help improve functionality of hips, pelvis, legs and feet. The course is good for sciatica, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint pain, hip joint, IT band issues, tired and heavy legs and nerve issues in the legs and feet.
Taught by C-IAYT certified yoga therapist, YACEP facilitator and yoga teacher/trainer at E-RYT-500 level through Yoga Alliance.
Cost: $200 + $50 for assessment
12- Week Beginners Yoga Course - Thursdays, commencing September 14th, 5:30-7:00pm.
This 12- week course is geared to those new to yoga and/or those wanting to revive their practice and develop a regular routine. Held from 5:30-7pm, this course provides step by step instruction into the practice of yoga where students learn to do the poses confidently, practice effective breathing techniques, deep relaxation skills and a simple mindfulness practice.
The instructor a YACEP, E-RYT-500 yoga teacher/trainer and certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) is equipped to work with all student abilities and challenges through adaptations, ensuring individual growth while putting safety first. Overall body confidence, strength and flexibility are immediate take-aways from this course.
Cost: $260
12 Week Structure, Strength and Core course - Saturdays, commencing September 16th, 11:30am-1pm.
This 12 week course is designed to ensure a steady foundation, notable strength and stability to assist students to become more aware of their confidence, strength and weaknesses ( head to toe) and learn greater body awareness.
Individual adjustments to poses for greater confidence and safety and improvement in the look and feel of the poses, is an intricate part of this course. Taught by senior experienced yoga teacher (E-RYT -500), YACEP and certified yoga therapist through the International Association of yoga therapists. Yoga teachers get 18 CEUs when taking this course.
Cost: $260
All courses and programs held at The Yoga Centre, 7 Victoria Street, across from City Hall car park.
To register email yogaontherock@logic.bm or yogacentrebermuda@gmail.com or call 295-7525.